Monday, June 18, 2007

It's Going to Happen...

I am going to go to Fishers Jr. High this coming school year (2007 - 2008). I am not so happy about it because I want to go to MPMS for just one more year but I can’t because I need to get my grades better and my mom and nana think going to school here will help. I am really going to miss all my good friends at Memorial Park Middle school.

I am probably going to dislike the first day of school because I won’t know anyone here in Indy. Well I know one guy, his name is Reed-the next door neighbor, but he is going into 9th grade at a different school so I won’t see him at all. But really, I think I can make it ok the first day... I hope.

So yeah, I am going to go to Fishers Jr. High this year. If by chance there's anyone stumbling across this post that can fill me in on the school drop me a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, FJHS is a cool school, you'll like going there!